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On the Eve of a New Semester

January 11, 2015

I have been on pins and needles my whole “break” because one of my classes…the SIX credit one…has not filled.  My dean tried to cancel it during one of my finals before “break” but the chair of my department interceded in my behalf, and continued to intercede.  On Tuesday, he decided NOT to cancel it even though I only had 4 people enrolled in the course.  (Now it has NINE.)  Whew!  I also found out on Tuesday that I would NOT have to teach a night class that I really didn’t want to teach, but was slotted for because of factors beyond my control.  So win-win-win!  It is a gift to have this schedule.  It is what I wanted and I can’t believe that it worked out.  The first blessing of the New Year!

That being said, because I was in limbo (which is a GREAT excuse, by the way) I haven’t really done much planning for this brand new semester.  As in, I haven’t really revamped anything.  And, I am very uninspired right now.  Mostly I am tired.  I feel like I have been running around non-stop for a month.  I have done some things that were for me.  I have done a lot of running for my kids and Christmas.  I really want some time in my house alone!  To play, to work, to get the house in order.  The best part is I may get to have some of that this semester if I play my cards right!  Woot!  I also may have time to write a little bit!  It would be fun to do some more blogging again.

So, tomorrow I begin again.  I have a list of what I need to do in the morning.  My babysitter is putting Katie and Nicholas on the bus so I can go in early.  My hope is that it is a peaceful and happy day!  Both for me and for YOU!

One Comment
  1. January 13, 2015 12:58 pm

    Hurrah for more time to blog (and for getting the schedule you wanted)! That is a great way to start off the year. Nine people in the class: woot! I have not had a peaceful day but it was a GOOD and BUSY one, at least!

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