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Celebrating Independence

July 4, 2013



Today is the day that we celebrate freedom.  I know that America is not a perfect place. I know that we can do better.  But, today we get to put all of the self-criticism aside and we get to be grateful.  Grateful for our government that is “of the people, by the people for the people…” (Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysberg Address).  At least in the ideal.  Grateful that we can hate our leaders, speak out against them, and still be safe in our homes at night.  Grateful that we have the opportunity to work hard, to plan our own future. Again, at least in the ideal.  Grateful that we live here, by choice.  We have no need to escape.  We can leave at anytime.  Grateful.  For America.


We celebrated with our parents today.  Jeff’s parents came for lunch.  Jeff’s mom was having a great day.  She was happy and content throughout lunch.  It was so nice to see her happy.  Jeff’s dad brought a HUGE bag of fireworks for us.  Nicholas was in heaven.  It was a nice lunch, except for my potato salad.  It was NOT good.  It was a bummer.  I only really make potato salad for the Fourth of July Lunch, and I was really looking forward to it.  I was disappointed, and I think Jeff was too.




Then, we had the whole after noon to do with what we wanted.  The patio was all cleaned off, and the house was picked up.  The dishes were done.  I finished a book, and am contemplating which one to begin next.  I began to sift through my collection of collage stuff in order to make my new writer’s notebook.  (I have had to cheat, because I needed it before it was decorated, so I have already written in it.)  I am excited to create the new covers.  I have had my other notebook since I began this blog.  Which is depressing when you think of the lack of writing that is going on in my life!  But a new notebook is always a celebration in itself.  I will work on it more tomorrow.




Finally, we met my parents for dinner and hung out with them for fireworks.  They belong to a country club and we have a blast there every year.  This year, however, Sarah stayed and hung out with the adults most of the time.  She didn’t get a pony ride, or go in the Jumpy-House-Thing.  She did walk down and get cotton candy though.  She is really growing up.  This transition is weird.  It is different than the transitions that we have been through in the past:  from infant to toddler to pre-schooler to school-aged kid.  I guess I was enjoying seeing those changes more or something.  They all lead to more independent children.  Now, Sarah is transitioning into REAL independence.  That is scary to me.  I don’t really want to let  her go out into the world.  What?  There are a lot of crazy things and people that are in the big scary world!  I know, I have to, and I will.  But whereas I was excited to be able to shower without having children in the bathroom with me, I am not so excited about this change.  I guess I need to take my own advice and Embrace the Struggle!





The kids all had such a great time, and so did I.  What a lovely Independence day!

  1. July 5, 2013 4:23 am

    Hooray for a new writing notebook! You inspire me to do another decorated one. Lately, I’ve been using legal pads as my writing ‘notebooks’. That, and a small notebook that is always in my purse or my pocket. I love having a decorated one though!

    I love how you are weaving together your thoughts about Independence Day with your Sarah’s growing independence in this post. It makes me think about the meaning of independence, at different stages of life, in different spheres of life (family, community, government), and how they are all connected.

    • July 6, 2013 7:08 am

      You should make one, Willow! It was so fun to let loose and make something!

      It is funny, when I started out the post, I wasn’t really thinking about independence on so many levels, but it just sort of came out like that. Weird.

  2. July 5, 2013 5:19 am

    I love that you are writing here, though, so we get to read it and chime in. I feel for you with Sarah’s independence curve…I’m struggling a bit with the same thing, more with Karin that with Martin, strangely, since he’s always been so much easier and she seems to be freeing her inner (ha!) rebel already. She’s not quite a week away from her 14th birthday and we hit a major milestone a couple of days ago. I’ll leave it to your imagination just what it was, but let’s just say it will crop up every month from now on. :D

    • July 6, 2013 7:10 am

      Well, we hit that milestone last year. On July 3, no less. She was TEN. She turned 11 on July 19, but still, she was TEN. Consider yourself lucky that you have had three years longer before THAT happened. :(

  3. July 13, 2013 1:58 pm

    GAH! I feel for you. Same thing happened to my sister’s daughter…she was 10, as well. WAY too young!

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